Thursday, December 11, 2014

Descending the Stairs (PARE/POPAT)

The stairs isn't a make or break area of the obstacle course, but it can have an impact on how well you perform. When it comes to the test, the rules of the stairs are you must touch at least one step going up, the very top step, and at least one step going down. The more steps you can skip, the faster you will get through the obstacle.

Going up is pretty straightforward: skip however many steps you can, and if you can use the handrails to help guide your way up, use them. Where people may lose time is descending the stairs.

That's why I put together a quick video about descending the stairs, which you can check out here:

If there's one thing to take away after watching the video, it's that as you're coming off the stairs, you want to make it seamless and fluid, especially if you're skipping steps. Make the jump off the stairs a part of your stride and avoid landing with both feet. Doing so disrupts your stride, making you inefficient and using more energy than necessary.

Give it a try and let me know what you think.

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